This Blog is dedicated to Ethan's story. However, I also have a blog called Beautiful Moments which gives more details about the adoption and our whole family. You can find it at

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Waiting to Travel

Now we wait to travel. During this time there are several steps that have to be completed in Vietnam before we are allowed to bring Ethan home. The main thing is the preparation of his paper work, which includes a police investigation to find the birth mother.

When all of this is complete they will set up what is called a Giving and Receiving Ceremony (G&R) in which he becomes officially ours!

The estimated time for this process is 3-5 months from the time our dossier (our paperwork) has arrived in Hanoi. We sent our dossier to Vietnam on May 21st. After being translated it arrived in Hanoi on June 15th. At this point we hope to receive travel dates in October.

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