This Blog is dedicated to Ethan's story. However, I also have a blog called Beautiful Moments which gives more details about the adoption and our whole family. You can find it at

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Looking Good!

We received updated pictures while we were in Chicago! Ethan's eye is looking much better. He is also looking older! It's funny, I don't think his hair is growing at all (I think it's shorter!). This has an advantage however since we'll have to shave it off anyway for surgery when he gets home. Wow, I can't wait to pick him up. :)


The Ben Show said...

He looks great Misty! Probably just had an eye infection or something going on! Hope you hear about travel soon!

Lennah and Delylah's mom said...

He looks so cute. I am praying that your travel comes soon.

Anonymous said...

wow.. this is really good. i really like the entry "ethan: one who is steadfast and strong" that's really awesome.. and i shall continue to pray for my little nephew, ethan loc scott larson.