This Blog is dedicated to Ethan's story. However, I also have a blog called Beautiful Moments which gives more details about the adoption and our whole family. You can find it at

Lilypie Date is set PicLilypie Date is set Ticker

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Yesterday we recieved updates on Ethan's height and weight. He is now 22.55 lb and 33.7 inches tall. Since the end of May he's gained 3 pounds but has only grown half a cm! I wish I could get a head measurement but I'm afraid that will have to wait till he's home.

We also got pictures today! I had a feeling that he was losing his hair and now I think I'm right! He seems to be growing up before our eyes. It's amazing how his face has changed in the pictures during the last 3 months! I think these are about the happiest pictures we've seen of him, I love his look in the third one. We can't wait to bring him home! :)

"Look at me wave the spoon!"
"What do you I cute?"


Melissa Cz said...

He is so adorable! I love his expressions!

The Ben Show said...

He looks great, Misty! You'll be holding him soon!

K said...

He is very handsome. I hope you get him home soon!

I tagged you, take a look!

Gail said...

Just found your blog. Your little Ethan is a doll and I hope you have him home soon.
adopting Johanna Faith

Lennah and Delylah's mom said...

Too cute. I cannot wait to see him in your arms.

Unknown said...

What a precious little guy! I can't image how difficult it must be watching him grow up on the other side of the world, although I know that is ahead for us as well! Hope you have him in your arms as soon as possible!