This Blog is dedicated to Ethan's story. However, I also have a blog called Beautiful Moments which gives more details about the adoption and our whole family. You can find it at

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Friday, September 7, 2007

Two Years Old!

A little boy awakes to a fresh day. He opens his eyes and is ready to go with all the energy of a child just turned 2. Little does he know a young woman, soon to be his mommy, is half way around the world and dreaming of him as she falls asleep. Happy birthday son...

The child plays and runs through his day just like every other, probably never realizing this day is different. Some where, not to far from him there is another woman. Perhaps she too is dreaming of him. The boy she lost...two years ago.

If only she know how much we already love him.Now he has just fallen asleep and his mommy has just woken up. She is praying sweet dreams his way. Happy birthday son!


Anonymous said...

I loved your note and the fact that you thought not only of Ethan and yourself, but also his birthmother. My son's b-day is Oct. 14 and I probably won't be there either, I will keep your sweet words in mind if this is the case. :)

The Ben Show said...

Awww... He has great things in store, and you're right, there is another person in the equation who will always be an important (if silent) part of your family.