This Blog is dedicated to Ethan's story. However, I also have a blog called Beautiful Moments which gives more details about the adoption and our whole family. You can find it at

Lilypie Date is set PicLilypie Date is set Ticker

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Still no smiles...but pictures none the less!

We have pictures...thank you Jessica! :)

He looks so deep in thought here
Ethan with his friend and the spoon again!!
Wow, he really looks different in this picture.
I can almost see what he'll look like when he's
a little older and his hair grows in!Big Bite!


K said...

Misty, he's very handsome! How fun to get pictures!

Anonymous said...

The waiting is so hard. It is great to get pictures, but it is also tough to see them growing and progressing when we are not there. My little guy never smiles in pictures either. I am praying for quick travel dates for all of us!

Melissa Cz said...

Wow, he does look big! I hope you get to travel soon!!!

Lennah and Delylah's mom said...

I love the new pics. I will keep you in my prayers that the call comes soon so you guys can get him the medical attention he needs.