This Blog is dedicated to Ethan's story. However, I also have a blog called Beautiful Moments which gives more details about the adoption and our whole family. You can find it at

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Monday, September 24, 2007

A visit to Ethan

The wait to get our little man has been especially hard lately. We have now entered the time frame in which we could expect the "call". Although this would still be early it is not unrealistic.

One of my friends picked up her daughter yesterday and had the privilege of meeting Ethan. She took video and pictures which I'll post as soon as I get them. However, for now, this is what she said about him:

"...He is a sweetie, very strong, walks and runs great! When I went to his room he was having his lunch...When he was done, the nanny let me hold him, but he wanted nothing to do with me. I think he just wanted his mom. I told him you would be there very soon. He has a lot of friends there especially one little guy who I have a picture with. I want you to know in person his head does not look as big as in the pictures you have and his hair is growing in. he is very alert and active. I think it may have to do with the camera. in pictures the rooms seem big to me when in reality they are quite small. There are lots of playmates for him and lots of staff in his room who really dote on them..."

Thank you Jessica! Congratulations on your beautiful little Lily Jane!


K said...

How nice to get an update!!! I can't wait to see him!

Chip and Sara said...

I can't wait for you to travel to go and get him! It sounds like God is taking such good care of him as he waits for his mommy and daddy to get there!
Sara Needham